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Using Microsoft Office 2007
Course Offerings,
Descriptions & Cost
Focused Learning - Excel Pivot Tables – 2 hours
Focused Learning - PowerPoint – Putting Pizzazz in Presentations – 2 hoursTips and Shortcuts
Focused Learning - Word Mail Merge & WordArt – 2 hours
Focused Learning - Outlook 2007 – Tips and Shortcuts – 2 hours
Focused Learning - Excel Macros - 2 hours This session is designed for an Excel user who wants to maximize Excel. We will learn how to create and edit macros. Visual Basic will be covered since it is the programming language that macros are stored in. We will also write some routines in the VB editor. We will test and edit (debug) our code. We will also learn how to create a Macro Toolbar to make executing macros much faster. Tips and shortcuts will be used throughout the class.
Focused Learning - Charts - 2 hoursThis session is designed for an Excel user who wants to go beyond the basics of worksheet setup and design and learn about charting. We will create and modify all types of charts from column to pie charts. You will learn how to create a chart using the Chart Wizard and on the fly. We also link charts with PowerPoint & Word. Everything you want to know about charts will be covered in this class. Tips and shortcuts will be used throughout the class.
Focused Learning - Database Management - 2 hoursThis session is designed for an Excel user who wants to go beyond the basics of worksheet setup and design and learn how to use Excel to manage lists of all kinds. You will learn how to sort and filter the lists. You will also learn how to create how to manage auto filters and advanced filters using select criteria. If you work with any type of list this is the Excel class for you. Tips and shortcuts will be used throughout the class.
Focused Learning - Formulas - 2 hoursThis session is designed for an Excel user who wants to learn more about formulas. We will learn how to write If statements and create look up tables. Also we will learn various editing formulas which will save time and redundancy in entering data. There are many “Formula Helpers” to be considered when creating and using formulas. . Tips and shortcuts will be used throughout the class. Focused Learning - Access Tables – 2 hoursEstablishing Table Relationships
Focused Learning - Access Queries – 2 hoursQuerying the Database
Focused Learning - Access Reports – 2 hoursProducing Reports
Excel 2007: Level 1 – 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description You have basic computer skills such as using a mouse, navigating through windows, and surfing the Internet. You have also used paper-based systems to store data that you run calculations on. You now want to migrate that data to an electronic format. In this course, you will use Microsoft® Office Excel 2007 to manage, edit, and print data.
will create and edit basic Microsoft® Office Excel 2007 worksheets and
workbooks. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Getting Started with Excel · Topic 1A: An Overview of Excel · Topic 1B: Navigate in Excel · Topic 1C: Select Data · Topic 1D: Enter Data · Topic 1E: Save a Workbook · Topic 1F: Obtain Help Lesson 2: Modifying a Worksheet · Topic 2A: Move and Copy Data Between Cells · Topic 2B: Fill Cells with Series of Data · Topic 2C: Edit Cell Data · Topic 2D: Insert and Delete Cells, Columns, and Rows · Topic 2E: Find, Replace, and Go To Cell Data · Topic 2F: Spell Check a Worksheet Lesson 3: Performing Calculations · Topic 3A: Create Basic Formulas · Topic 3B: Calculate with Functions · Topic 3C: Copy Formulas and Functions · Topic 3D: Create an Absolute Reference Lesson 4: Formatting a Worksheet · Topic 4A: Change Font Size and Type · Topic 4B: Add Borders and Color to Cells · Topic 4C: Change Column Width and Row Height · Topic 4D: Merge Cells · Topic 4E: Apply Number Formats · Topic 4F: Create a Custom Number Format · Topic 4G: Align Cell Contents · Topic 4H: Find and Replace Formats · Topic 4I: Apply an AutoFormat · Topic 4J: Apply Styles Lesson 5: Developing a Workbook · Topic 5A: Format Worksheet Tabs · Topic 5B: Reposition Worksheets in a Workbook · Topic 5C: Insert and Delete Worksheets · Topic 5D: Copy and Paste Worksheets · Topic 5E: Copy a Workbook Lesson 6: Printing Workbook Contents · Topic 6A: Set a Print Title · Topic 6B: Create a Header and a Footer · Topic 6C: Set Page Margins · Topic 6D: Change Page Orientation · Topic 6E: Insert and Remove Page Breaks · Topic 6F: Print a Range Lesson 7: Customizing Layout · Topic 7A: Split a Worksheet · Topic 7B: Arrange Worksheets · Topic 7C: Freeze and Unfreeze Rows and Columns · Topic 7D: Hide and Unhide Worksheets Excel 2007: Level 2 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description In Microsoft® Office Excel 2007: Level 1, you created, edited, formatted, and printed basic spreadsheets. You now have a need to streamline repetitive tasks and display spreadsheet data in more visually effective ways. In this course, you will use Microsoft® Excel 2007 to streamline and enhance your spreadsheets with templates, charts, graphics, and formulas.
will apply visual elements and advanced formulas to a worksheet to
display data in various formats. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Creating and Applying Templates · Topic 1A: Create a Workbook from a Template · Topic 1B: Create a Custom Template · Topic 1C: Working with Comments · Topic 1D: Create a Hyperlink · Topic 1E: Use Web-based Research Tools Lesson 2: Creating and Modifying Charts · Topic 2A: Create a Chart · Topic 2B: Format Chart Items · Topic 2C: Change the Chart Type · Topic 2D: Create a Diagram · Lesson 3: Working with Graphic Objects · Topic 3A: Insert Graphics · Topic 3B: Create AutoShapes · Topic 3C: Format Graphic Objects · Topic 3D: Change the Order of Graphic Objects · Topic 3E: Group Graphic Objects · Topic 3F: Move, Copy, and Resize Graphic Objects Lesson 4: Calculating with Advanced Formulas · Topic 4A: Create and Apply a Name for a Range of Cells · Topic 4B: Calculate Across Worksheets · Topic 4C: Calculate with Date and Time Functions · Topic 4D: Calculate with Financial Functions · Topic 4E: Calculate with Statistical Functions · Topic 4F: Calculate with Lookup and Reference Functions · Topic 4G: Calculate with Logical Functions Lesson 5: Sorting and Filtering Data · Topic 5A: Sort Data Lists · Topic 5B: Filter Data Lists · Topic 5C: Create and Apply Advanced Filters · Topic 5D: Calculate with Database Functions · Topic 5E: Add Subtotals to a Worksheet Lesson 6: Using Excel with the Web · Topic 6A: Export Excel Data · Topic 6B: Publish a Worksheet to the Web · Topic 6C: Import Data from the Web
Excel 2007: Level 3 – 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description You have used Microsoft® Office Excel 2007 to perform tasks such as running calculations on data and sorting and filtering numeric data. You would now like to automate some common tasks, apply advanced analysis techniques to more complex data sets, collaborate on worksheets with others, and share Excel data with other applications. In this course, you will do all of these things. Course
Objective: You will automate some
common Excel tasks, apply advanced analysis techniques to more complex
data sets, collaborate on worksheets with others, and share Excel data
with other applications.
Performance-based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Streamlining Workflow · Topic 1A: Create a Macro · Topic 1B: Edit a Macro · Topic 1C: Customize Access to Excel Commands · Topic 1D: Apply Conditional Formatting · Topic 1E: Add Data Validation Criteria · Topic 1F: Update a Workbook's Properties · Topic 1G: Modify Excel's Default Settings Lesson 2: Collaborating with Others · Topic 2A: Protect Files · Topic 2B: Share a Workbook · Topic 2C: Set Revision Tracking · Topic 2D: Review Tracked Revisions · Topic 2E: Merge Workbooks · Topic 2F: Adjust Macro Settings · Topic 2G: Administer Digital Signatures Lesson 3: Auditing Worksheets · Topic 3A: Trace Cell Precedents · Topic 3B: Trace Cell Dependents · Topic 3C: Locate Errors in Formulas · Topic 3D: Locate Invalid Data and Formulas · Topic 3E: Watch and Evaluate Formulas · Topic 3F: Group and Outline Data Lesson 4: Analyzing Data · Topic 4A: Create a Trendline · Topic 4B: Create Scenarios · Topic 4C: Perform What-If Analysis · Topic 4D: Develop a PivotTable© Report · Topic 4E: Develop a PivotChart© Report · Topic 4F: Perform Statistical Analysis with the Analysis ToolPak Lesson 5: Working with Multiple Workbooks · Topic 5A: Create a Workspace · Topic 5B: Consolidate Data · Topic 5C: Link Cells in Different Workbooks · Topic 5D: Edit Links Lesson 6: Importing and Exporting Data · Topic 6A: Export to Microsoft Word · Topic 6B: Import a Word Table · Topic 6C: Import Text Files Lesson 7: Structuring XML Workbooks · Topic 7A: Develop XML Maps · Topic 7B: Import, Add, and Export XML Data · Topic 7C: Manage XML Workbooks · Topic 7D: Apply XML View Options Excel 2007: Level 4 – ‘Introduction to Visual Basic’ – 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description In the previous Excel courses, you used Excel to simplify business tasks, including the creation of spreadsheets, graphs, charts, and formulas that were difficult to create and nearly impossible to maintain using pencil and paper. You now want to simplify your work in the Excel environment by automating many of the repetitive tasks that are part of spreadsheet development. In Excel 2007: Introduction to VBA you apply the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language to simplify many of the tasks you learned in Excel 2007: Level 1 and Excel 2007: Level 2.
Course Objective:
You will use VBA to create macros for
automating repetitive tasks in Excel 2007. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Developing Macros Topic 1A: Create a Macro with the Macro Recorder Topic 1B: Edit a Macro Topic 1C: Debug a Macro Topic 1D: Customize Toolbars, Menus, and Hotkeys Lesson 2: Formatting Worksheets Topic 2A: Sort Data Topic 2B: Insert Rows and Columns Topic 2C: Insert Text Topic 2D: Format Text Topic 2E: Duplicate Data Topic 2F: Generate a Report Lesson 3: Creating an Interactive Worksheet Topic 3A: Determine Dialog Box Type Topic 3B: Capture User Input Lesson 4: Working with Multiple Worksheets Topic 4A: Insert, Copy, and Delete Worksheets Topic 4B: Rename Worksheets Topic 4C: Modify the Order of Worksheets Topic 4D: Print Worksheets Lesson 5: Performing Calculations Topic 5A: Create User-defined Functions Topic 5B: Automate SUM Functions
Excel 2007 Productivity
New Course Description
will apply visual elements, manipulate large amounts of data efficiently
and add advanced formulas to a worksheet to display data in various
formats. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: · create and modify charts · calculate with advanced formulas · sort and filter data · analyze data with pivot tables and pivot charts · create and run a macro Course Content Lesson 1: Creating and Modifying Charts · Create a Chart · Format Chart Items · Change the Chart Type Lesson 2: Advanced Formulas · Create and Apply a Name for a Range of Cells · Formula Helpers · Editing Functions · Calculate with Date and Time Functions · Calculate with Financial Functions · Calculate with Statistical Functions · Calculate with Lookup and Reference Functions · Calculate with Logical Functions Lesson 4: Sorting and Filtering Data · Sort Data Lists · Filter Data Lists · Create and Apply Advanced Filters · Calculate with Database Functions · Add Subtotals to a Worksheet Lesson 5: Pivot Tables and Chart Reports · Develop a PivotTable© Report · Develop a PivotChart© Report Lesson 6: Creating and Applying Macros · Create a Macro · Run a Macro Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 1 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description Word processing is the use of computers to create, revise, and save documents for printing and future retrieval. This course is the first in a series of three Microsoft® Office Word 2007 courses. It will provide you with the basic concepts required to produce basic business documents. Course
Objective: You will create, edit,
and enhance standard business documents using Microsoft® Office Word
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Creating a Basic Document Topic 1A: The Word Environment Topic 1B: Get Help Using Word Topic 1C: Enter Text Topic 1D: Save a New Document Topic 1E: Preview a Document Topic 1F: Print a Document Lesson 2: Editing a Document Topic 2A: Navigate in a Document Topic 2B: Insert Text Topic 2C: Select Text Topic 2D: Create an AutoText Entry Topic 2E: Move and Copy Text Topic 2F: Delete Blocks of Text Topic 2G: Undo Changes Topic 2H: Find and Replace Text Lesson 3: Formatting Text Topic 3A: Change Font and Size Topic 3B: Apply Font Styles and Effects Topic 3C: Change Text Color Topic 3D: Highlight Text Topic 3E: Copy Formats Topic 3F: Clear Formatting Topic 3G: Find and Replace Text Formatting Lesson 4: Formatting Paragraphs Topic 4A: Set Tabs Topic 4B: Change Paragraph Alignment Topic 4C: Indent Paragraphs Topic 4D: Add Borders and Shading Topic 4E: Apply Styles Topic 4F: Create Lists Topic 4G: Change Spacing Between Paragraphs and Lines Lesson 5: Proofing a Document Topic 5A: Use the Thesaurus Topic 5B: Check Spelling and Grammar Topic 5C: Create a New Default Dictionary Topic 5D: Check Word Count Topic 5E: Modify a Document in Print Preview Lesson 6: Adding Tables Topic 6A: Create a Table Topic 6B: Enter Data in a Table Topic 6C: AutoFormat a Table Topic 6D: Convert Text into a Table Lesson 7: Inserting Graphic Elements Topic 7A: Insert Symbols and Special Characters Topic 7B: Insert a Clip Art Picture Topic 7C: Add a Watermark Lesson 8: Controlling Page Appearance Topic 8A: Set Page Orientation Topic 8B: Change Page Margins Topic 8C: Apply a Page Border Topic 8D: Add Headers and Footers Topic 8E: Insert a Page Break Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 2 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description In the first course in this series, Microsoft Word 2007 : Level 1, you gained all the basic skills that you need to create a wide range of standardized business documents. If you use Microsoft® Office Word 2007 on a regular basis, then once you have mastered the basic skills, the next step is to improve your proficiency. To do so, you can customize and automate the way Microsoft® Word 2007 works for you, and you can improve the quality of your work by enhancing your documents with customized Microsoft® Word 2007 elements. In this course, you will increase the complexity of your Microsoft® Word 2007 documents by adding components such as customized lists, tables, charts, and graphics. You will also create personalized Microsoft® Word 2007 efficiency tools.
will add complexity to Microsoft® Office Word 2007 documents and create
personalized efficiency tools in Microsoft® Word 2007.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Managing Lists Topic 1A: Sort a List Topic 1B: Restart a List Topic 1C: Create an Outline Numbered List Topic 1D: Customize List Appearance Lesson 2: Customizing Tables and Charts Topic 2A: Sort a Table Topic 2B: Modify Table Structure Topic 2C: Merge or Split Cells Topic 2D: Position Text in a Table Cell Topic 2E: Apply Borders and Shading Topic 2F: Perform Calculations in a Table Topic 2G: Create a Chart from a Word Table Topic 2H: Modify a Chart Lesson 3: Customizing Formatting Topic 3A: Modify Character Spacing Topic 3B: Add Text Effects Topic 3C: Control Paragraph Flow Lesson 4: Working with Custom Styles Topic 4A: Create a Character or Paragraph Style Topic 4B: Modify an Existing Style Topic 4C: Create a List Style Topic 4D: Create a Table Style Lesson 5: Modifying Pictures Topic 5A: Set Picture Contrast or Brightness Topic 5B: Crop a Picture Topic 5C: Wrap Text Around a Picture Lesson 6: Creating Customized Graphic Elements Topic 6A: Draw Shapes and Lines Topic 6B: Insert WordArt Topic 6C: Insert Text Boxes Topic 6D: Create Diagrams Lesson 7: Controlling Text Flow Topic 7A: Insert Section Breaks Topic 7B: Insert Columns Topic 7C: Link Text Boxes Lesson 8: Automating Common Tasks Topic 8A: Run a Macro Topic 8B: Create a Macro Topic 8C: Modify a Macro Topic 8D: Customize Toolbars and Buttons Topic 8E: Add Menu Items Lesson 9: Automating Document Creation Topic 9A: Create a Document Based on a Template Topic 9B: Create a Document by Using a Wizard Topic 9C: Create or Modify a Template Topic 9D: Change the Default Template Location Topic 9E: Insert a MacroButton Field in a Template Lesson 10: Performing Mail Merges Topic 10A: The Mail Merge Process Topic 10B: Perform a Merge on Existing Documents Topic 10C: Merge Envelopes and Labels Topic 10D: Use Word to Create a Data Source Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 3 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description You know how to use Microsoft® Office Word 2007 to create and format typical business documents. But you need to work on more complex documents. In this course, you will learn how to use Word to create, manage, revise, and distribute long documents, forms, and Web pages.
will create, manage, revise, and distribute long documents, forms, and
Web pages.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Certification Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Level 3 is one of a series of Element K courseware titles that addresses Microsoft Office Specialist (Office Specialist) skill sets. The Office Specialist program is for individuals who use Microsoft's business desktop software and who seek recognition for their expertise with specific Microsoft products. Certification candidates must pass one or more product proficiency exams in order to earn Office Specialist certification. Hardware Requirements For this course, you will need one computer for the classroom to run Windows Server 2007 Standard Edition and Exchange Server 2007 that meets the following system requirements:
For this course, you will need one computer for each student and one for the instructor. Each computer will need the following minimum hardware components:
Platform Requirements
Software Requirements
Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Using Microsoft Office Word 2007 with Other Programs Topic 1A: Link to a Microsoft® Office Excel 2007 Worksheet Topic 1B: Link a Chart to Excel Data Topic 1C: Send a Document Outline to PowerPoint Topic 1D: Extract Text from a Fax Topic 1E: Save a Document as a Different File Format Topic 1F: Look Up Information Using Research Sites Topic 1G: Send a Document as an Email Attachment Lesson 2: Collaborating on Documents Topic 2A: Modify User Information Topic 2B: Create a New Version of a Document Topic 2C: Delete Old Versions Topic 2D: Send a Document for Review Topic 2E: Use Comments Topic 2F: Compare Document Changes Topic 2G: Merge Document Changes Topic 2H: Review a Document Lesson 3: Adding Reference Marks and Notes Topic 3A: Insert Bookmarks Topic 3B: Insert Footnotes and Endnotes Topic 3C: Add Captions Topic 3D: Insert Cross-references Lesson 4: Making Long Documents Easier to Use Topic 4A: Mark Text for Indexing Topic 4B: Insert an Index Topic 4C: Insert a Table of Figures Topic 4D: Mark Text for a Table of Authorities Topic 4E: Insert a Table of Authorities Topic 4F: Insert a Table of Contents Topic 4G: Create a Master Document Topic 4H: Automatically Summarize a Document Lesson 5: Securing a Document Topic 5A: Update a Document's Properties Topic 5B: Save a Document without Personal Information Topic 5C: Hide Text Topic 5D: Limit Formatting Choices in a Document Topic 5E: Select Regions of a Document that Can Be Modified Topic 5F: Add a Digital Signature to a Document Topic 5G: Require a Password to Open a Document Lesson 6: Creating Web Pages Topic 6A: Create a Web Page Topic 6B: Insert Hyperlinks Topic 6C: Insert a Movie Clip into a Web Page Topic 6D: Apply a Theme to a Web Page Topic 6E: Create a Framed Web Page Topic 6F: Save a Web Page to a Web Server Lesson 7: Creating Forms Topic 7A: Add Form Fields to a Document Topic 7B: Protect a Form Topic 7C: Save Form Data as Plain Text Topic 7D: Automate a Form Lesson 8: Using XML in Word Topic 8A: Tag an Existing Document Topic 8B: Save a Document as XML Topic 8C: Transform an XML Document Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007: Level 1 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description In the past, you have used paper-based overhead systems to give presentations. Now, you want to upgrade those presentations to an electronic format. You can use Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 to give electronic presentations.
will create effective basic Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007
presentations for delivery in front of an audience.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Certification This course is one of a series of Element K courseware titles that addresses Microsoft Office Specialist (Office Specialist) skill sets. The Office Specialist program is for individuals who use Microsoft’s business desktop software and who seek recognition for their expertise with specific Microsoft products. Certification candidates must pass one or more proficiency exams in order to earn Office Specialist certification. Hardware Requirements For this course, you will need one computer for each student and one for the instructor. Each computer will need the following minimum hardware components:
Platform Requirements
Software Requirements
Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: An Orientation to PowerPoint Topic 1A: The PowerPoint Environment Topic 1B: Orientation to Views Topic 1C: Navigate Through a Presentation Topic 1D: Edit Slide Text Topic 1E: Save the Presentation Topic 1F: Run a Slide Show Lesson 2: Beginning a Presentation Topic 2A: Create a New Presentation Topic 2B: Change Background Color Topic 2C: Add Slides to a Presentation Topic 2D: Enter Text Topic 2E: Create a Presentation from a Microsoft Word Outline Lesson 3: Formatting Text Slides Topic 3A: Apply Character Formats Topic 3B: Align Text Topic 3C: Change Line Spacing Topic 3D: Change Indents Lesson 4: Adding Tables to a Presentation Topic 4A: Create a Table Topic 4B: Format Tables Topic 4C: Insert a Table from Microsoft Word Lesson 5: Charting Data Topic 5A: Create a Column Chart Topic 5B: Edit Chart Data Topic 5C: Change Chart Type Topic 5D: Insert a Chart from Microsoft Excel Lesson 6: Modifying Objects Topic 6A: Resize Objects Topic 6B: Copy and Duplicate Objects Topic 6C: Move Objects Topic 6D: Changing Object Orientation Topic 6E: Format Objects Topic 6F: Group and Ungroup Objects Topic 6G: Change the Order of Objects Lesson 7: Adding Images to a Presentation Topic 7A: Add Clip Art Topic 7B: Add a Picture from a File Topic 7C: Draw Lines and Shapes Topic 7D: Insert WordArt Lesson 8: Preparing to Deliver a Presentation Topic 8A: Spell Check Topic 8B: Arrange Slides Topic 8C: Add Transitions Topic 8D: Create Speaker Notes Topic 8E: Send a Presentation to Microsoft Word Topic 8F: Print the Presentation Topic 8G: Package a Presentation for CD Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007: Level 2 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description As a Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 user familiar with the basics, you're able to convey information clearly without much glitz. That's okay, but you can do better—audiences expect more than the basics. In this course, you will enhance presentations with features that will transform basic presentations into those with a powerful means of communication.
will use Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 features that draw, animate,
and format presentations with professional-quality content such that
they may be communicated to a wide variety of live, remote, and
self-service audiences.
Web browsing experience is also strongly recommended. Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Certification This course is one of a series of Element K courseware titles that addresses Microsoft Office Specialist (Office Specialist) skill sets. The Office Specialist program is for individuals who use Microsoft’s business desktop software and who seek recognition for their expertise with specific Microsoft products. Certification candidates must pass one or more proficiency exams in order to earn Office Specialist certification. Hardware Requirements For this course, you will need one computer for each student and one for the instructor. Each computer will need the following minimum hardware components:
Platform Requirements
Software Requirements
Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Creating a Custom Design Template Topic 1A: Define Design Template Characteristics Topic 1B: Create a Custom Color Scheme Topic 1C: Set Up a Slide Master Topic 1D: Format Custom Bullets Topic 1E: Add a Footer Topic 1F: Modify the Notes Master Topic 1G: Save a Custom Design Template Lesson 2: Adding Organization Charts and Diagrams Topic 2A: Working with Organization Charts Topic 2B: Update an Organization Chart Topic 2C: Applying a Chart Layout Topic 2D: Create a Diagram Topic 2E: Draw a Flowchart Lesson 3: Adding Special Effects Topic 3A: Add Sound and Movies Topic 3B: Add Animation Topic 3C: Emphasize Objects Topic 3D: Set a Motion Path Topic 3E: Set the Order of Effects Lesson 4: Creating Web Presentations Topic 4A: Create a Group Home Page with the AutoContent Wizard Topic 4B: Hyperlink to a Web Page Topic 4C: Publish as a Web Page Lesson 5: Collaborating in PowerPoint Topic 5A: Set Password Protection Topic 5B: Work with Comments Topic 5C: Send a Presentation for Review Topic 5D: Merge Revision Copies Topic 5E: Apply Reviewer Changes Lesson 6: Delivering a Presentation Topic 6A: Hyperlink Within PowerPoint Topic 6B: Add an Action Button Topic 6C: Set Up a Custom Show Topic 6D: Annotate a Presentation Topic 6E: Working with Narrations and Slide Timings Topic 6F: Set Up a Slide Show to Repeat Automatically Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Level 1 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description Most organizations maintain and manage large amounts of information. One of the most efficient and powerful information management computer applications is the relational database. Information can be stored, linked, and managed using a single relational database application and its associated tools. In this course, you will be introduced to the concept of the relational database by using the Microsoft® Office Access 2007 relational database application and its information management tools.
will be introduced to the features of the Access 2007 application.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Performance-based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: An Overview of Access 2007 Topic 1A: Understand Relational Databases Topic 1B: Examine the Access Environment Topic 1C: Open the Database Environment Topic 1D: Examine an Access Table Lesson 2: Managing Data Topic 2A: Examine an Access Form Topic 2B: Add and Delete Records Topic 2C: Sort Records Topic 2D: Display Recordsets Topic 2E: Update Records Topic 2F: Run a Report Lesson 3: Establishing Table Relationships Topic 3A: Identify Table Relationships Topic 3B: Identify Primary and Foreign Keys in the Relationships Window Topic 3C: Work with Subdatasheets Lesson 4: Querying the Database Topic 4A: Create a Select Query Topic 4B: Add Criteria to a Query Topic 4C: Add a Calculated Field to a Query Topic 4D: Perform a Calculation on a Record Grouping Lesson 5: Designing Forms Topic 5A: Examine Form Design Guidelines Topic 5B: Create a Form Using AutoForm Topic 5C: Create a Form Using the Form Wizard Topic 5D: Modify the Design of a Form Lesson 6: Producing Reports Topic 6A: Create an AutoReport Topic 6B: Create a Report by Using the Wizard Topic 6C: Examine a Report in Design View Topic 6D: Add a Calculated Field to a Report Topic 6E: Modify the Format Properties of a Control Topic 6F: AutoFormat a Report Topic 6G: Adjust the Width of a Report Appendix A: Microsoft Office Specialist Program Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Level 2 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description As you begin this course, you should have the basic skills you need to work with a Microsoft® Office Access 2007 databases. This includes working with Access tables, relationships, queries, forms, and reports. But thus far you have been focusing on essential database user skills only. In this course you will consider how to design and create a new Access database, how to customize database components, and how to share Access data with other applications.
will design and create a new Access database; improve queries, forms,
and reports; and integrate Microsoft® Office Access 2007 with other
A basic understanding of Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Word would also be helpful, but is not required. Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Planning a Database Topic 1A: Design a Relational Database Topic 1B: Identify Database Purpose Topic 1C: Review Existing Data Topic 1D: Determine Fields Topic 1E: Group Fields into Tables Topic 1F: Normalize the Data Topic 1G: Designate Primary and Foreign Keys Lesson 2: Building the Structure of a Database Topic 2A: Create a New Database Topic 2B: Create a Table Using a Wizard Topic 2C: Create Tables in Design View Topic 2D: Create Relationships between Tables Lesson 3: Controlling Data Entry Topic 3A: Restrict Data Entry with Field Properties Topic 3B: Create an Input Mask Topic 3C: Create a Lookup Field Lesson 4: Finding and Joining Data Topic 4A: Find Data with Filters Topic 4B: Create Query Joins Topic 4C: Join Unrelated Tables Topic 4D: Relate Data Within a Table Lesson 5: Creating Flexible Queries Topic 5A: Set Select Query Properties Topic 5B: Create Parameter Queries Topic 5C: Create Action Queries Lesson 6: Improving Your Forms Topic 6A: Enhance the Appearance of a Form Topic 6B: Restrict Data Entry in Forms Topic 6C: Add Command Buttons Topic 6D: Create a Subform Lesson 7: Customizing Your Reports Topic 7A: Organize Report Information Topic 7B: Set Report Control Properties Topic 7C: Control Report Pagination Topic 7D: Summarize Information Topic 7E: Add a Subreport to an Existing Report Topic 7F: Create Mailing Labels Lesson 8: Expanding the Reach of Your Data Topic 8A: Publish Access Data as a Word Document Topic 8B: Analyze Access Data in Excel Topic 8C: Export Data to a Text File Topic 8D: Merge Access Data with a Word Document Appendix A: Microsoft Office Specialist Program Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Level 3 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description Your training in and use of Microsoft® Office Access 2007 has provided you with a solid foundation in the basic and intermediate skills for working in Microsoft® Office Access 2007. You're now ready to extend your knowledge into some of the more specialized and advanced capabilities.
will create complex Access databases using forms, reports, and macros.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Structuring Existing Data Topic 1A: Import Data Topic 1B: Analyze Tables Topic 1C: Create a Junction Table Topic 1D: Improve Table Structure Lesson 2: Writing Advanced Queries Topic 2A: Create Unmatched and Duplicates Queries Topic 2B: Group and Summarize Records Using the Criteria Field Topic 2C: Summarize Data with a Crosstab Query Topic 2D: Create a PivotTable and a PivotChart Topic 2E: Display a Graphical Summary on a Form Lesson 3: Simplifying Tasks with Macros Topic 3A: Create a Macro Topic 3B: Attach a Macro to a Command Button Topic 3C: Restrict Records Using a Where Condition Lesson 4: Adding Interaction and Automation with Macros Topic 4A: Require Data Entry with a Macro Topic 4B: Display a Message Box with a Macro Topic 4C: Automate Data Entry Lesson 5: Making Forms More Effective Topic 5A: Change the Display of Data Conditionally Topic 5B: Display a Calendar on a Form Topic 5C: Organize Information with Tab Pages Lesson 6: Making Reports More Effective Topic 6A: Cancel Printing of a Blank Report Topic 6B: Include a Chart in a Report Topic 6C: Arrange Data in Columns Topic 6D: Create a Report Snapshot Lesson 7: Maintaining an Access Database Topic 7A: Link Tables to External Data Sources Topic 7B: Back Up a Database Topic 7C: Compact and Repair a Database Topic 7D: Protect a Database with a Password Topic 7E: Determine Object Dependency Topic 7F: Document a Database Topic 7G: Analyze the Performance of a Database Appendix A: Microsoft Office Specialist Program Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Level 4 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description In previous levels, you were introduced to advanced topics that dealt with local database management. In this course, you will learn remote database management, how to exchange data with XML and other type applications, and how to automate your business processes by using VBA code.
will be introduced to the advanced features of the Access application
and also the VBA programming language. Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Making Your Data Available on the Web Topic 1A: Create a Data Access Page by Using the Wizard Topic 1B: Improve the Presentation of the Data Access Page Topic 1C: Viewing Data Access Pages with the Browser Topic 1D: Edit Data Using the Data Access Page Topic 1E: Group Records in the Data Access Page Lesson 2: Developing a Data Access Page in Design View Topic 2A: Create a Data Access Page in Design View Topic 2B: Incorporate a ComboBox in the Data Access Page Topic 2C: Test the New Record Function of the Data Access Page Topic 2D: Develop a PivotTable with the Office PivotTable Tool Topic 2E: Develop a PivotChart Lesson 3: Integrating Access into Your Business Topic 3A: Import XML Data into an Access Database Topic 3B: Export Access Data to XML Format Topic 3C: Share Data with Other Office Applications Lesson 4: Automating a Business Process with VBA Topic 4A: Create a Standard Module Topic 4B: Develop Code Topic 4C: Call a Procedure from a Form Topic 4D: Run the Procedure Lesson 5: Creating a Switchboard and Setting the Startup Options Topic 5A: Create a Database Switchboard Topic 5B: Modify a Database Switchboard Topic 5C: Set the Startup Options Topic 5D: Modify the Startup Options Lesson 6: Distributing and Securing the Database Topic 6A: Split a Database Topic 6B: Implement Security Topic 6C: Set Passwords Topic 6D: Encode and Decode a Database Topic 6E: Convert an Access Database to an MDE File Appendix A: Microsoft Office Specialist Program
Microsoft Project 2007: Level 1 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description Welcome to Microsoft Project 2007: Level 1. This course is the first in a series of two courses designed for individuals who will use Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 as a tool to assist them in managing projects. The topics in this course cover the critical skills necessary to create and modify a project plan file that contains tasks, resources, and resource assignments. Course
Objective: You will create a
project plan file containing tasks, organize these tasks in a work
breakdown structure containing task relationships, create and assign
resources, and finalize the project to implement the project plan. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Creating a Project Plan File Topic 1A: Create a Project Plan File Topic 1B: Create and Assign a Project Calendar Topic 1C: Add Tasks to the Project Plan File Topic 1D: Add a Project Summary Task Topic 1E: Add a Recurring Task Topic 1F: Enter Task Duration Estimates Lesson 2: Creating a Work Breakdown Structure Topic 2A: Outline Tasks Topic 2B: Link Dependent Tasks Topic 2C: Identify Deliverables in the Project Plan File Topic 2D: Constrain Tasks Topic 2E: Set a Task Deadline Lesson 3: Creating and Assigning Resources Topic 3A: Create Resources Topic 3B: Create a Resource Calendar Topic 3C: Assign Resources Topic 3D: Assign Additional Resources to a Task Topic 3E: Resolve Resource Conflicts Lesson 4: Finalizing the Project Plan Topic 4A: View the Critical Path Topic 4B: Shorten the Project Duration Topic 4C: Set a Baseline Topic 4D: Display Project Summary Information Microsoft Project 2007: Level 2 - 6 hours in full or 2 half-daysCourse Description Microsoft Project 2007: Level 2 is the second course in the Microsoft Project 2007 series. In Microsoft Project 2007: Level 1 , you used your project management skills to create a complete project plan. This course will build upon that knowledge, and give you the opportunity to work with a project plan once it has entered the project implementation phase. Course
Objective: You will exchange
project plan data with other applications, update project plans, create
custom reports, and reuse project plan information. Performance-Based Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content Lesson 1: Exchanging Project Plan Data with Other Applications Topic 1A: Import a Task List from an Excel File into a New Project Plan Topic 1B: Create a Custom Import Map Topic 1C: Export Project Plan Cost Data into Excel Topic 1D: Copy a Picture into a Word Document Topic 1E: Save Project Plan Information as a Web Page Lesson 2: Updating a Project Plan Topic 2A: Enter Task Progress Information Topic 2B: View Task Progress Topic 2C: Split a Task Topic 2D: Reschedule a Task Topic 2E: Filter Tasks in a Project Plan Topic 2F: Save an Interim Project Plan Topic 2G: Create a Custom Table Topic 2H: Add Custom Columns to a Table Topic 2I: Hyperlink Documents to Tasks Lesson 3: Creating Custom Reports Topic 3A: Create a Custom Report Topic 3B: Modify a Custom Report's Header and Footer Topic 3C: Add a Picture to a Report Topic 3D: Modify a Custom Report's Margins Topic 3E: Print a Custom Report Lesson 4: Re-using Project Plan Information Topic 4A: Create a Project Plan Template Topic 4B: Create a Custom Combination View Topic 4C: Make Custom Views Available to Other Project Plans Topic 4D: Share Resources Topic 4E: Create a Master Project Plan
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